Training of Makueni county staff on the geoportal

Leveraging Geospatial Science to increase community resilience in agricultural production Makueni county

Clients: USAID
Sector/ Market: Agriculture
Service: Leveraging Geospatial Science to increase community resilience in
agricultural production Makueni county.
Location: Makueni, Kenya
Makueni county locational context map.


The project aimed to tackle major issues in Makueni County’s agriculture, particularly those stemming from gender inequality and limited access to resources like land and housing. Recognizing that women face significant barriers in managing agricultural resources, the project focused on using geospatial science to deliver accurate, timely information on land and agricultural resources. This involved developing an Agricultural Decision Support System (DSS) to enhance resource allocation, understand biophysical processes, and adapt agricultural practices. The objective was to make this crucial information accessible to county officials and vulnerable groups through a web-based portal and a mobile app.


  1. Enhance Learning: Strengthen the learning capabilities of local and host country organizations by providing practical experience in spatial analysis and geospatial science.
  2. Support County Government: Assist Makueni County with remote sensing, GIS training, data analytics, and resource mapping to enable evidence-based decision-making.


We collected essential data to develop a comprehensive Agricultural Decision Support System (DSS). This system was designed to support effective decision-making in agricultural resource management. We then disseminated the findings to relevant stakeholders and created detailed process documents to ensure ongoing use and future reference of the system.


Data and Information Dissemination

In summary, the project successfully leveraged geospatial science to enhance agricultural resilience in Makueni County, providing essential tools and training for improved resource management and adaptive agricultural practices.

A photo of Makueni county staff and Geosurveys staff
Training of County data collectors in preparation of field data collection
Field data collection
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