Taita Estate

Clients: Taita Estate
Sector/ Market: Environmental Services
Service: SESA-Strategic Environmental & social assessment
Location: Mwatate, Kenya

Project summary

The purpose of the SESA report was to share the findings of the possible impacts on the biophysical and socio-economic environment upon implementation of the proposed Master Plan. It also provides information on the plan proponent, an outline of the proposed plan, mitigation measures for identified negative impacts, an environmental management and monitoring plan to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures, and a description of the SESA process, including the assessment’s outcomes and recommendations.

Methodology and Criteria for undertaking the SESA

The SESA was carried out in line with the provisions of the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, (EMCA, Cap 387), the Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2003, Draft Environmental Management and Coordination (Strategic Assessment, Integrated Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations 2018, the 2012 National Guidelines for Strategic Environmental Assessment in Kenya, as well as international guidelines on SESA.

The brief

Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) refers to a range of analytical and participatory approaches to integrate environmental and social consideration into Policies, Plans and Programs (PPP), and evaluate the inter-linkages with economic andsocial considerations (NEMA, 2012). SESA is a combination of approaches that use a variety of tools, rather than a single, fixed, prescriptive approach. The SESA process extends its aims and principles upstream in the decision-making process, beyond the plan level, when major alternatives are still possible.
SESA is a proactive approach to integrate environmental considerations into the higher levels of decision-making. During a SESA process, the likely significant effects of a Policy, Plan, or Program (PPP) on the environment are identified, described, evaluated, and reported.

Basic Principles for SESA

The Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations of 2003 provide for SESA in compliance to the following principles:


1.Master Plan Brief, Submission and decision to conduct SESA by NEMA23/02/2022
2.Screening report approval by NEMA21/03/2023
3.Data collection and submission of SESA scoping report to NEMA27/04/2023
4.Submission of SESA Draft report30/06/2023
5.Media adverts07/07/2023
6.NEMA Comment received02/10/2023
7.Submission of second SESA draft report26/10/2023
8.Validation workshop conducted06/12/2023
9.Submission of the final SESA report  

The Process; Our work

Stakeholder’s Engagement

Stakeholder engagement sessions bring together technical professionals, political leaders, business owners and residents in a collaborative effort to facilitate an inclusive dialogue paving way for a sustainable and prosperous environmental future.

The People –  Validation workshop

People are not just witnesses to change but architects of their own environmental destiny.

Involving them in strategic environmental planning projects reflects their collective aspirations and voice.

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